IIT Guwahati hosts Semiconductor Horizons Workshop to foster semiconductor synergy

IIT Guwahati hosts Semiconductor Horizons Workshop to foster semiconductor synergy

The Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati recently conducted the Semiconductor Horizons Workshop in association with various government bodies and Tata Electronics. The aim of the workshop was to foster innovation and translational research collaboration in Semiconductor Technology in Assam and beyond.

IIT Guwahati's Semiconductor Workshop IIT Guwahati's Semiconductor Workshop

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati successfully organized the Semiconductor Horizons Workshop, aiming to foster innovation and translational research collaboration in Semiconductor Technology in Assam and beyond on May 1. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Government of India, Government of Assam, Viksit Bharat Abhiyan, and Tata Electronics, the workshop sought to enhance education, skill development, innovation, and capacity building in the semiconductor domain.


The workshop, held at the IIT Guwahati campus, featured various sessions covering recent advancements in semiconductor packaging, test and assembly, CMOS technology, VLSI, compound semiconductors, and optoelectronic devices. Expert speakers from industries, academia, and policy-making circles shared insights on the latest trends and advancements in semiconductor science and technology.


Distinguished guests included Dr. Charan Gurumurthy, Chief Executive of Tata Semiconductor Assembly and Test Pvt. Ltd., Smt. Saumya Gupta, Joint Secretary (TE), Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, Director, IIT Guwahati, Dr. Lakshmanan S., IAS, Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Industries & Commerce, Mines & Minerals Department, and Shri. Varun Bhardwaj, Director, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education. The event was attended by Vice Chancellors of various Universities, representatives of organizations from North Eastern states, expert members from IIT Guwahati, and over 1000 students from various colleges.


The keynote address by Dr. Charan Gurumurthy emphasized the transformative potential of collaborative efforts between the government, academic institutions like IIT Guwahati, and the industry in making Assam a semiconductor hub, thereby significantly impacting the country's economy. He stressed the importance of investing in education and training programs, fostering industry-academic collaborations, and promoting innovation in semiconductor technology.


During the workshop, a Memorandum of Understanding was formalized between IIT Guwahati and IIT Ropar, in partnership with the Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI), focusing on Semiconductor Skill Development, Innovation, and Start-ups. This collaboration aims to establish a robust ecosystem for skill development, drive innovation, and foster a conducive environment for semiconductor startups to flourish.


Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, Director, IIT Guwahati, reiterated the institute's commitment to collaborating with stakeholders to establish itself as a leading knowledge partner in semiconductor technology development and testing. He emphasized the institute's dedication to uplifting the surrounding community and fostering productive industry-academic collaborations.
The workshop provided participants with opportunities to learn from industry leaders, develop essential skills, and network with peers. Beyond the one-day workshop, participants will be considered for IIT Guwahati's Semiconductor skill development program, contributing further to the advancement of semiconductor technology.

Edited By: Krishna Medhi
Published On: May 01, 2024