Assam: Insects creating panic in Kaliabor send to Shillong Regional Agricultural Research Centre for identification

Assam: Insects creating panic in Kaliabor send to Shillong Regional Agricultural Research Centre for identification

A mysterious insect infestation has spread fear and chaos throughout Kaliabor. The Bembo Sid Bug has disrupted normal life, causing widespread panic and forcing a local school to halt teaching.

Mysterious insect infestation terrifies Kaliabor residents Mysterious insect infestation terrifies Kaliabor residents

Residents of Kaliabor are on edge as a mysterious insect infestation has spread fear and chaos throughout the region. The insect, identified as the Bembo Sid Bug, has been wreaking havoc in schools and households, prompting urgent action from agricultural authorities.

The situation escalated when the insect was first discovered in a school in Kaliabor, sending shockwaves through the community. Subsequently, the insect made its way into numerous homes in Dalgaon, leaving residents terrified and desperate for a solution.

Responding to the crisis, a team of agricultural scientists from the Shillong Regional Agricultural Research Centre swiftly mobilized to Kaliabor. Armed with expertise and equipment, they began collecting samples of both the invasive insect and the kotoha bamboo, suspected to be linked to the infestation.

Today, another team of scientists arrived in Dalgaon, Akhiranga, to assess the situation firsthand. The presence of the Bembo Sid Bug has disrupted normal life, causing widespread panic and forcing a local school to halt teaching for three days.

Reports indicate that the infestation has affected not only the school environment but also the surrounding areas, with lakhs of unidentified insects swarming Dalgaon Middle School. Students and staff alike have fallen victim to the Asinpokjak, a local term for the pest, leading to interruptions in education and administrative operations.

Authorities have attributed the infestation to bamboo swelling near the school, suggesting a correlation between the plant's growth and the insect's proliferation. In response, the Agriculture Department has initiated urgent measures to combat the pest menace.

Efforts include the distribution of drug-based sprays in schools and villages, aimed at eradicating the insects and restoring a sense of safety to the community. While the situation remains dire, officials reassure residents that they are working tirelessly to address the issue and mitigate further harm.

As Kaliabor grapples with this unforeseen threat, cooperation between government agencies and local communities will be essential in safeguarding against future infestations and ensuring the well-being of all residents.

Edited By: Puja Mahanta
Published On: May 10, 2024