
Lifestyle News

Unlock radiant summer skin with these refreshing face packs

Apr 25, 2024

As the sun shines brighter and temperatures rise, our skin craves extra care and hydration to combat the harsh effects of summer. Fortunately, nature offers a treasure trove of ingredients that can nourish, rejuvenate, and impart a radiant glow to our skin. 

The versatile goodness of curd for your skin

Apr 24, 2024

Curd, also known as yogurt, is not just a tasty and nutritious food; it also offers numerous benefits for the skin. From moisturizing and exfoliating to soothing inflammation and fighting acne, curd has been used for centuries in skincare routines across various cultures. 

Home remedies to treat extreme skin tanning during summers

Apr 24, 2024

Tanning occurs due to exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays, leading to an increase in melanin production in the skin. While tanning can give a sun-kissed glow, excessive exposure can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer.

Cowell's crimson specs: Fashionable fix for health woes

Cowell's Red Glasses: A Medical Necessity

Apr 21, 2024

Simon Cowell, the 'Britain's Got Talent' creator, is using red-tinted glasses to manage a medical condition causing 'laser-like' pain and migraines due to bright lights. While the glasses may appear as a fashion trend, they are more of a necessity for Cowell.

Deflating the Bloat: Strategies for Tackling Excessive Bloating

Apr 15, 2024

Bloating, characterized by a sensation of fullness, tightness, and swelling in the abdomen, is a common and often uncomfortable experience for many individuals. While occasional bloating is normal, persistent or excessive bloating can interfere with daily life and indicate underlying health issues. 

The Perilous Path of Excess: Exploring the Side Effects of Overindulging in Beverages

Apr 15, 2024

In the modern world, beverages are an integral part of daily life, offering refreshment, stimulation, and sometimes even a sense of indulgence. From coffee and tea to alcoholic beverages and sugary sodas, a wide array of drinks tempts us with their flavors and effects.

Strategies to Combat Excessive Snoring: Effective Remedies and Lifestyle Changes

Apr 14, 2024

Snoring is a common phenomenon that affects millions of people worldwide. While occasional snoring may be harmless, excessive or persistent snoring can disrupt sleep quality, affect daytime functioning, and even strain interpersonal relationships.

The Dangers of Excessive Water Consumption: When Hydration Goes Too Far

Apr 14, 2024

While staying hydrated is crucial, especially in maintaining fluid balance, electrolyte levels, and supporting various physiological processes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Black Rice: A Nutrient-Packed and Healthy Option for Dinner

Apr 14, 2024

Black rice, also known as forbidden rice or purple rice, has been cultivated for centuries in Asia, particularly in countries like China and India.

Healing cracked toes: Effective home remedies and prevention tips

Apr 14, 2024

While various factors, including dry weather, improper footwear, and fungal infections, can contribute to cracked toes, there are several effective home remedies and preventive measures to promote healing and prevent recurrence.

The adverse effects of prolonged sun exposure on skin health

Apr 14, 2024

Prolonged exposure to sunlight, particularly to its harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, can have detrimental effects on the skin.

Sun Protection for Your Hair: Combating Discoloration in Summer Heat

Apr 11, 2024

Summer's intense sunshine can wreak havoc on your hair, causing dryness, breakage, and dreaded discoloration. One needs to follow strict hair care to maintain its lusture and colour in the intense summer heat.

The Detrimental Effects of Excessive Oily Food Consumption on Human Health

Apr 02, 2024

Excessive consumption of oily foods can have profound and detrimental effects on the body's overall health and well-being. While some amount of dietary fat is essential for various physiological functions, an overabundance of oily foods, particularly those high in unhealthy fats, can lead to a range of health issues. From cardiovascular problems to weight gain and metabolic disorders, the consequences of a diet rich in oily foods extend far beyond mere aesthetic concerns. 

A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Watery Eyes: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Remedies

Apr 02, 2024

Watery eyes, medically known as epiphora, can be a bothersome condition characterized by excessive tearing. It can result from various underlying causes, including allergies, infections, irritants, or underlying eye conditions.

Managing Excess Facial Oil During Summers: Home Remedies and Tips

Apr 02, 2024

During the scorching summer months, excess facial oil can become a persistent issue, leading to skin problems like acne, clogged pores, and a greasy appearance. While commercial products are available, home remedies offer a natural and often cost-effective solution to combat excess oil production.

The Potential of Lemon for Dark Spots: Myth or Reality?

Mar 30, 2024

Dark spots, also known as hyperpigmentation, are a common skin concern affecting individuals of all ages and skin types. Many people seek natural remedies to address this issue, with lemon being touted as a potential solution. 

Do dark chocolates really uplift one's mood?

Mar 30, 2024

Dark chocolate has long been hailed as a potential mood booster, with various studies suggesting that consuming it can have positive effects on mood and emotional well-being. While the exact mechanisms behind its mood-enhancing properties are not fully understood, several factors contribute to its potential ability to uplift mood.

WATCH: Nothing just an Ostrich's day out in South Korean city

Mar 28, 2024

In a surprising turn of events, an ostrich named Tadori escaped from a local ecological park in Seongnam city, South Korea, causing a stir among the locals and raising questions about the ethics of keeping large birds in captivity.

Say goodbye to dry skin: Effective home remedies for soft, hydrated skin

Mar 26, 2024

Dry skin, characterized by flakiness, itchiness, and a lack of moisture, can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition. While there are countless skincare products on the market promising to combat dryness, many individuals prefer natural remedies that are gentle, cost-effective, and easily accessible.

Health hazards of working late: Understanding the negative impact on your well-being

Mar 26, 2024

In today's fast-paced and competitive work environment, many individuals find themselves working late hours to meet deadlines, fulfill responsibilities, or advance in their careers. However, while burning the midnight oil may seem like a necessary sacrifice for professional success, it can take a significant toll on your health

Healing power of steam: Alleviating severe nasal blockage

Mar 26, 2024

Severe nasal blockage can be a debilitating condition, causing discomfort, difficulty breathing, and disrupting daily activities. While there are various remedies available to relieve nasal congestion, steam inhalation stands out as a simple yet highly effective method for clearing nasal passages and promoting sinus relief.